PARALYMPIC EXCLUSIVE: Interview with James “Bobby the Big” Siaffa


Below is an exclusive interview with, Liberia’s Power Lifter, James “Bobby the Big Siaffa.” Thanks to everyone who showed support by viewing this page and leaving comments for each athlete. Ciao, Until Next Time; Be Inspired, Be Curious, Be Blessed.

1. How did you get to the 2012 London Summer Paralympic Games? (What was the process, what steps did you have to take to become Liberia’s 1st ever Summer Paralympian?

A: My first international competition was in Dubai March 2010 I lifted 130kg/286. Then in July I was invited to the world championship in Malaysia where I lifted 175kg/385lbs. That qualified me for the Paralympics Solidarity training program. Where  I attended training camp for 2 months in Cardiff, Whales.

2. What has been your most memorable experience in London?

A: The village welcoming ceremony when I saw our country flag being raised for the first time in the Paralympics.  

3. What is your Personal Best Lift and how does it compare to your performance in London?

A: Personal Best 175kg/385lbs in Malaysia. My lift in the Paralympics was 190kg/418lbs

4. What advice can you give to future Liberian athletes, who dream of competing in a Summer Paralympics Game?

A. Dedication, courage and determination – always keep doing what you are doing be focus and have courage and faith that you will one day make the top and become the best.

5. Do you plan on competing in Rio 2016? If so, what will you do to prepare for the 2016 Games?  

A: train harder, put in more time and work on my diet. keep the faith and pray.

6. What’s the first thing that you want to eat when you return to Liberia?  

A. I want to eat real Liberian Palm butter with some dry fish.

7. Any last words? Anything you would like people to know?

A: I want to let people know that Liberians with disabilities can also make it in the world. So please continue to give your support for us to prepare for Rio

This concludes the 2012 Liberian Olympic/Paralympic Team Updates. Thanks again for reading…See you all in RIO 😉


3 thoughts on “PARALYMPIC EXCLUSIVE: Interview with James “Bobby the Big” Siaffa”

  1. What an interview! Some really interesting questions and angles taken and some great informative answers were given. I had never even heard of Liberia, but now due to this interview I have developed some knowledge about one of their Paralympic stars. Keep up the good work, also check out the page Paralympic Heroes for some other interesting stories and information about the upcoming RIO games!


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